


Balancing Tech Innovation with the Timeless Touch of Human Service

The retail landscape has transformed remarkably over the past decade. As we enter a new era where the customer experience is getting redefined, it's evident that their journey now begins online, merging seamlessly with in-store experiences. Today, technology and digitisation are at the forefront of this change, and our industry is evolving faster than ever. The unprecedented 19 per cent growth in sales last year is a testament to our resilience and adaptability. Retailers are adopting practices that create great experiences across channels. Amidst this rapid technological progression, let us not forget the heart and soul of retail - our dedicated workforce. As we embrace AI for hyper-personalisation or tap into the emerging trends in smaller towns, the commitment and adaptability of our people takes new avatars. This human touch will continue to differentiate us in a digitally evolving market. Customer experience will be at its peak as personal attention, and digitisation converge to create seamless retail. To a fruitful journey ahead!

April-July 2023